2013... Better late than never

Totally forgot this one! It has been there in the drafts since December... How hard can it be, seriously?! :D But as stated in the title, better late than never. Year 2013 here you go....

(...and just like every year, this one is in English :)

1. Have you changed a lot during this last year?

If I think about year 2013, it's been a year when my life has changed the most compared to any other past years. And well, obviously when your life changes, you change. But also I think that all those changes around me have strengthened me as a person. I'm know better than ever who I am and what I stand for.

2.Have you got more weight?

Very deep question after the first one :D Sure... as always, up and downs.

3.Have you been alone in the movies during this last year?


4. Have you taken a tattoo or piercing during this last year?

No, but I think a tattoo could be something to get in 2014.

5. Did you have any injuries?

Not that I remember...

6. Comparing to last year are you…happier now?

Yes and no. I am happy with the choices I made, but I'm sad because of what I lost.

7. …fatter or thinner?

Same old.

8 …richer or poorer?

Poorer!! Definitely! :D

9. What did you do on your birthday?

Enjoyed the sun and had drinks with the girls.


10. Did you do something ”prohibited” during this last year?


11. Did you get wasted?

Very likely... few times.

12. Have you got a new friend during this last year?

Yeas I have, and not only a friend, a lot of them! <3

13. Who was the best new acquaintance during this last year?

There were so many, cannot pic just one...



14. Have you been in a relationship during this year?

Me? :D No... no no no.

15. Did any of your close friends give a birth?

No, thank god no. Nothing against babies and so on, but yeah. I'm just gonna feel so old when this turn to reality! :D

16. Did anyone died?

Not just anyone. Someone very special... (and only writing about it once again brings the tears... I really wonder if this ever gonna get any easier?)


17. Have you had a disagreement with any of your friends during this year?

Yes I have. But I wouldn't call her a friend anymore.

18. Whose behavior deserves thanks?

My mom's. No doubts <3

19. Whose behavior made you feel distressed?

None. At least anyone special.

20. How many one night stands did you have?

Not my style really...

21. Do you hate someone now who you didn't hate last year this time?

I don't hate anyone. There are people that I liked 2012 but not necessarily fancy anymore...

22. Did you fall in love during the year 2013?

No I didn't...

23. Who did you miss?

Vili. Last quarter of the year.


24. What was the best TV-series you followed?

Grey's anatomy, Once upon a time, Glee, Hyvät ja Huonot Uutiset...

25. …book you read?

Yeah, well. Books. I really need to do something about this one!!

26…the song you heard?

Oh this is hard one. So many... I listened a lot of Glee cast. Then the new album from The Overtones was really good. And BSB of course ;)

27. …the food you ate?

Maybe I should mention something Dutch... "The cheese thing!" :D

28. … the movie you saw?

Oh, no clue... I don't even remember the movies I saw last year.

29. Which countries did you visited to?

In the beginning of the year the Netherlands, and then in May Spain... and in August Netherlands again since I moved here. Somehow these destinations keep repeating themselves year after year... :D



30. What did you want and get?

Studies and life in Holland.

31. What did you want but didn’t get?

To say goodbye for my little one.

32. The greatest accomplishment of the year 2013?

Studies and moving to NL. Biggest change as well.

33. What do you want from a year 2014 that you didn't succeed in during a year 2013?


34. Which date will you remember from the year 2013 and why?

26th of August because I moved to NL,  and 27 of November because it hurted so much.

35…and the biggest failure?

I don't know. Maybe just as every year, all the diets that I started and somehow failed...

36. What made you excited?

Moving abroad!

37. How did you spend most of your money?

For living... I guess.

38. The best thing you bought?


39. How did you spend your Christmas?

In Tallinn with my mom and sister.


40. Have you done something that you’ve never done before during this last year?

Yeah, pretty spontaneously applied to study, quit my job and moved abroad.

41. Did you keep your New Year’s promise?

Nothing to keep when you don't make one :)

42. Did you want to do something more?

Few days...

43…or less?


44. Do you regret something?

Something. There are always the "if"... No, I don't regret anything really, there are just some things I would make differently if I could... Like having 3 weeks' autumn holiday instead of one.

45. If you could turn back the time, what would you do differently?


46. Share two best memories from this year?


NHTV-gebouw aan de Archimedesstraat in Breda.


  1. 17. Have you had a disagreement with any of your friends during this year?
    Yes I have. But I wouldn’t call her a friend anymore.

    ei kai tää kohta vain ole yhdestä bloggaajasta?

  2. No joo, onhan sillä blogi.


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