1. Have you changed a lot during this year? 
 For sure I have. Mostly the way I think and how I face different situations. I've learned to live in the moment.

2.Have you got more weight? 
I have, but I think and believe that it's temporary :D There are always ups and down.

3.Have you been alone in the movies during this year? 
No I haven't.

4. Have you taken a tattoo or piercing during this year? 
No I haven't

5. Did you have any injuries?
Well, I had a little accident with my bike in July, but that's the only one. I still have scars though.

6. Comparing to last year are you...happier now? 
I think I am. Last year this time I was kind of messed up with my life and thoughts and everything. Now I sort of know where I'm standing and where I wanna move on.

 7. ...fatter or thinner? 
Quite same. Maybe few kilos fatter but like I said, it's temporary :)

8 …richer or poorer? 
Quite same I think.

9. What did you do on your birthday? 
I spent just a basic day at work and listened Forever Young on a repeat. I had the worst age crisis so far.

10. Did you do something "prohibited" during this year? 
I think so. But don't remember any special case... And I think it's just better to leave it out anyway :D

11. Did you get wasted? 
Did I? There was no weekend without a bottle of wine I can tell. Apollo was my second living room! And I think it still is :D Even thought I never really get wasted-wasted. I always know what I'm doing and I don't do hangovers ;)

12. Have you got a new friend during this year? 
Yes I have. I've met a lot of new people but also got to know better some old friends that I haven't been so close with earlier, like Meri and Anu.

13. Who was the best new acquaintance during this year? 
There are too many!!! But the ones I have spent time/seen the most during this year are maybe Anna, Vivve, Tero, Henna... and so on. You know who you are!!! And of course new friends that I've got just through these guys I just mentioned :)

14. Have you been in a relationship during this year? 
No I haven't.

15. Did any of your close friends give a birth? 

16. Did anyone died? 
No funerals during the year, so no.

17. Have you had a disagreement with any of your friends during this year? 
Yes, I have.

18. Whose behavior deserves thanks? 
Mom's of course. And Vili's. And then I would say that Sanna's because she is always there to listen my more or less stupid troubles.

19. Whose behavior made you feel distressed? 
There are some friends who just don't get it. The way how friendships works and how it needs an effort from both. How hard it can be to say "I'm sorry" and mean it.
...But maybe I should not blame them disappointing me, I should just blame myself for expecting too much from them.

20. How many one night stands did you have? 
Not really my piece of cake I would say.

21. Do you hate someone now who you didn’t hate last year this time? 
I don't hate anyone. I just don't see any point to waste my time for people who maybe don't deserve it as much as some others.

22. Did you fall in love during the year 2012?
No I didn't. But I had a crush. Or few... and still maybe have.

23. Who did you miss? 
Vili when he was in Lahti during the summer time. And of course some friends abroad.

24. What was the best TV-series you followed? 
Once Upon A Time. Aaaaaand the Finnish ones I would say Putous and Hyvät ja Huonot Uutiset (but just the first season).

25. ...book you read? 
Omg. Did I even read any good books? ....well, Vadelmavenepakolainen was ok. Finnish one :)

26…the song you heard? 
I really loved the ones in tv serie Vain Elämää. But also I fell in love with The Overtones and Fun.

27. ...the food you ate? 

28. ... the movie you saw? 
I still think that 'Varasto' was really funny one :D

29. Which countries did you visited to? 
Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Estonia. Nothing special.

30. What did you want and get? 
To spend the awesome year with the awesome people!

31. What did you want but didn’t get? 
Some planned trips...

32. The greatest accomplishment of the year 2012? 
Surviving through it.

33. What do you want from a year 2013 that you didn’t succeed in during a year 2012? 
Cannot write it here... :)

34. Which date will you remember from the year 2012 and why? 
I don't know why I still remember the date but 20.1. Emma Gala (Finnish music awards). Just so much fun I guess :D

35…and the biggest failure? 
Just as every year, all the diets that I started...

36. What made you excited? 
Life itself! Friends and trips... 

37. How did you spend most of your money? 
For my rent I guess. Not gonna happen this year :)

38. The best thing you bought? 
Mmmmmm... I would say MacBook Air. It's just so convenient.

39. How did you spend your Christmas? 
In Lahti at mom's.

40. Have you done something that you’ve never done before during this year? 
Nothing extremely special... 

41. Did you keep your New Year’s promise? 
I didn't have any :)

42. Did you want to do something more? 
I think I did. There were few trips that I wanted to do, but which failed.

43…or less? 
No, not really.

44. Do you regret something? 
No. I don't think so.

45. If you could turn back the time, what would you do differently? 
Well... There are some things but nothing that I would like to share here :D

46. Share two best memories from this year?
Trip to Spain in May (Especially visitin Serrano house)... Aaaaaand..... Oh, Emma-Gala (Finnish music awards) was just a one of the nicest "work memories" of the year ;)


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